People who live on or by the sea are so blessed to have access to our beloved oceans, there are many who have never seen the magnificence of a wave breaking, or the beauty of a coral reef- the cradle of life. The despairing facts are the coral reefs are being degraded at a rate of 2 per cent a year. About a fifth of the world’s stock has already gone, and nearly half of the remainder is in danger of disappearing within the next 20 years and 40% of the Great Barrier Reef is gone.
With so many odds going against a coral reef, one might be tempted to throw their hands up in despair. But there is an answer which is reef gardening. Pessimists may scoff at it because the root of the problem is controlling the Co2 levels on the planet. However, the phytoplankton in the ocean plays a partial stabilizing role by converting Co2 into 70% of our Oxygen and reef habitats produce a fair degree of the phytoplankton. We chose to make things happen to whatever degree we are able towards rehabilitating our fragile planet.
The basics of coral gardening are simple it is great fun and can become a healthy addiction. Join us in reef-scaping and keave a imprint of yourself on our reefs. Many of our returnee guests come back to see how fat the reef has progressed. In biomass. Every coral you plant becomes a home.